View Profile UnknownFear

Age 34, Male



Richmond Hill, Ontario

Joined on 2/27/04

Exp Points:
14,620 / 15,200
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Vote Power:
7.81 votes
Police Sergeant
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Contact Info, Links, Abusive Review Tips

Posted by UnknownFear - August 1st, 2008

[[Table of Contents]]
1. [COIN] -- Contact Info
2. [LNK] -- Links
3. [CRCW] -- Crews/Clubs
4. [ABSREV] -- Abusive Review Tips
5. [ION] -- In Other News...(other news posts)
To navigate around my blog, use the Find feature in your Web Browser (View > Find) or Ctrl + F, than type the letters in the [ ]. Ex. You want to go to the Links section, hit Ctrl + F and type "LNK" without the quotes.

COIN[[Contact Info]]
Xbox Live Gamertag


- Random Flash
Click to view a random Flash submission.

- Random Audio
Click to view a random Audio track.

- NG Log
Newgrounds Log, or NG Log for short, was made by Casualty is a site where Newgrounds users can log their stats in and check out in-depth information on all their stats. Pretty neat site :)

- Rage's Gift: Abusive Reviews
A thread in the Wi/Ht? forum created by RageVI where users look through submissions on Newgrounds and filter out the abusive reviews made by fellow NGers. Users contribute by linking to abusive reviews in this thread. A great way to fix your Garbage whistle ;) See Abusive Review Tips below

- Wi/Ht? Level Up! Lounge
This is a thread in the Wi/Ht? where users can show off their new levels that they achieve or any other stat-related post. Every day, a list is made of each user who posted. Some of the regulars who contribute in making the list are: myself, Bahamut, Coop83, Odyssic, and Haggard.

- NG Archive
A site dedicated to everything Newgrounds. Has old images, BBS posts, and a working old BBS, plus tons of other stuff!! Made by Aksumka.

- NG BBS Goldmine
This is a HUGE userpage with a ton, and I mean a TON of ridiculous, funny, whatever links to golden BBS posts.

Here is a list of clubs/crews I am in / are good:

- The Deity Whistle Crew (DWC)
This is a crew for all the Deity whistlers. See DeityWhistleCrew for more details.

- Ghost / Supernat. Club
A spooky club where users share and discuss ghost stories, phenomena, paranormal activity, etc. A lot of pretty spooky stories.

- Last.Fm Club
This is a club for the music site, Last.fm, where users share their music charts and different music they like.

- NG Alcoholics Anonymous
This club is for all the alcoholic drinkers on Newgrounds :P

- Newgrounds Sig Makers
This is where users can request sigs to be made, or even make sigs for other users.

- Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters
For all your photoshop needs.

- Radiohead Club
A club for an awesome English rock band.

- The Muse Crew
An awesome club for a great alternative Indie rock band.

ABSREV[[Abusive Review Tips]]

Hi there. Do you have a Garbage Whistle? Do you find yourself looking around people's userpages like Corky52, Kaytee, RohantheBarbarian, and many other Newgrounders, always gazing at their shiny whistle levels and thinking to yourself "god.. they spend too much time on Newgrounds..." Jokes :P What you should be thinking is "god, I wish I had a whistle like them *cries*" Well, don't go asking God for a shiny whistle (cause he probably won't give you one :P) Instead, I'm going to give you tips and tricks to getting that garbage whistle to a normal whistle and beyond!!

Table of Contents:

I - Rage's Gift To You: Abusive Reviews
II - Spotting Abusive Reviews
III - Extra Help

[[I - Rage's Gift To You: Abusive Reviews]]

Ok. So you want to get that Garbage whistle all nice and clean, polished a bit, maybe even disinfected, and shiny :) What you want to do is view this awesome thread called Rage's Gift To You: Abusive Reviews. This is the ONLY thread around where you can come here and look for abusive reviews to flag. You don't have to join or anything, just contribute and you'll have a Normal whistle in no time!

[[II - Spotting Abusive Reviews]]

These are tips on how to spot abusive reviews. Abusive reviews can be abusive if:
1. They "attack" the author - Calling the author names (you suck, fucking die!!! your an asshole)
2. They are spam reviews - The review space is flooded with continuous words
3. They are blam reviews - "This shit sucks! BLAM IT!"
4. They attack other reviewers - "Don't listen to xxxxxx, he fucking SUCKS!!!"

Most importantly, use your own judgment. If you think something is abusive, don't be afraid to flag it. You can also vote it to be useless as well.

[[III - Extra Help]]

So, all ready to go out there and get your Garbage whistle fixed? Good! These are extra links provided to help you out. Good luck on fixing your whistle!!

- Rage's Gift To You: Abusive Reviews Thread

- Corky52's Guide to Abusive Reviews

- Abusive Review Guide 1

- Abusive Review Guide 2

ION[[In Other News...]]

These are my other news posts:

- Hello New Newgrounds!! (07/17/07)

- Marijuana -- Fun :) (02/06/08)

- DS Friend Codes!! (03/07/08) <--Edited(03/11/08)

- Contact Info, Links, Abusive Review Tips (08/01/08) <--Edited(06/14/09)


Nice, good luck on the whistle.

Thanks :) Deity, here I come...eventually :P

"anger is a gift"- RATM

Uhh.. Thanks for the comment?

Aren't those stats just a copy of the bar on the left here?

Yeah.. but I was feeling weird.. so I just put them in my news post :)

EDIT: Took stat updates out.

Thanks for the advertising, and congrats on getting Deity!

No problem and thanks :)


Thanks for the comment :)

Congrats on deity whistle, whenever you got it. Also, todays my birthday! :3

Awesome! Happy Belated Birthday!!

hey, do you go to school in toronto now or what?

Huh? Why do you ask?


Nice post, by the way


I have live but with this new experiance thats happening i won't be able to get on till i have a hardrive.

Ah. Ok.